About Youth Group
Roy Christian Church's youth group consists of vibrant, quirky, funny and intelligent middle school and high school students. Throughout the school year, the group gathers on Wednesdays at the church and is led by associate pastor Zach Harris. During these meet ups, the youth play games, worship God through music and learn about a multitude of faith topics. RCC's youth group offers a relaxed space for youth to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, what it means to follow Him, and more. In addition to these meet ups, the youth group gets together at least once a month for a 'fun' day which typically includes trips to locations such as the Rush Funplex, bowling, mini golf, hiking, overnight retreats and even camping in the summer. The group is open and welcoming to all students that may desire to join, they always love seeing new faces. If you or someone you know may be interested in youth group at RCC, please email Zach, zach@roychristian.org.