Welcome to Roy Christian Church


 A-Z Missions

Nick and Lindale Adams work in Chinoya, Zimbabwe in southern Africa. They work with a church in Chinoya and train locals for church leadership through the ministry of Zimbabwe Christian College in the nations capitol Harare. A-Z stands for Adams - Zimbabwe. Nick visited with RCC during their furlough in April 2010.  Visit the Adams facebook page.

American Indian Christian Mission

AICM is a non-profit organization that was begun in 1969 by a group of men from California and Arizona who saw a need to take Christ to the Native American people in Arizona. The first work was taking VBS (Vacation Bible School) programs to various locations on the Navajo and Hopi reservations. Land was purchased near Show Low and a summer camp program was started.  The boarding school (AICS) began in 1985, adding a grade each year. In 1995 AICM began the Apache Christian Connection (ACC) on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The purpose of AICM is to first make disciples of the Native American people and then to raise up leaders among these people for Christ. ("Evangelizing and equipping Native Americans for Christ.") By beginning early in the life of a child, a much greater chance of achieving goals will be realized. Thus a boarding school environment has been chosen as a basis for this ministry.  Visit the AICM website.

BLOC Ministries

BLOC Ministries is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and serves many in an urban community setting. They offer many facilites and services to encourage at-risk youth to focus on positive things such as sports. Visit the BLOC website.

Boise Bible College

A classic Bible college in the West, raising up leadership for the Lord's church by: preparing students for full-time ministry, preparing students to serve as church leaders, and providing students with spiritual enrichment.  Visit the BBC website.

Colegio Biblico

This college was founded in 1945 to prepare people for ministry to Spanish speaking people, and it is located on the Mexican border in Eagle Pass, Texas. Students come from around the world. It is supported by Christian Churches, Churches of Christ, and Christian individuals. Since 1996, it has operated a school in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, because student visas for Mexican students have become difficult to acquire. The new Piedras Negras campus is under construction about eight miles from Eagle Pass. The main textbook is the Bible. After finishing their studies, many students return to their own culture to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Visit Colegio Biblico's website.

El Pacto en Accion

In 2023, RCC added Javier Riano at El Pacto en Accion (Action International Ministries), working in Bogota, Colombia. They serve poor communities in the slums of Colombia and share the Good News of Jesus in the middle of an area dominated by drug trafficking. Visit their website here.

Impact Campus Ministries

Campus ministry is built on the premise that true success is developing "intimacy with God" (a personal, real, dynamic relationship with God through faith in Jesus). Impact does this by pursuing it themselves, modeling it, and purposefully teaching it to university students in the greater Salt Lake City university campuses.  Visit Impact Campus Ministries website.

Intermountain Christian Camp

Each year, RCC sends several young people and staff to Fairfield, Idaho, to help with one of the summer camp programs. Roy Christian Church is one of five churches that supports the camp financially.  Visit the camp's website.

Intermountain Church Planters

The ICPA office is located in Caldwell, Idaho. The Association is a group of Churches Working Together to Plant New Churches in the intermountain West. Roy Christian has long had a desire to see churches planted and currently is doing so through the extension ministries of ICPA.  Visit the ICPA website.

Pregnancy Care Center

The Pregnancy Care Center offers free, confidential, and practical support to women who are pregnant or who are dealing with post-abortion stress. Tammy Leake is the executive director of PCC.  Visit the PCC website.